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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Veritas Bombshell: Gillum Staffer Admits Candidate Far-Left, Says Florida A ‘F***ed Up’ ‘Cracker State’

‘Gillum is a progressive. He’s part of the crazy, crazy crazies,’ says Omar Smith

Staffers for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum revealed he’s hiding his gun control agenda until after the midterms, calling Florida a “f***ed up” “cracker state.”

The latest undercover video from Project Veritas exposes Gillum’s anti-Second Amendment agenda in attempt to appeal to moderate and Republican Florida voters.



  1. If Florida voters are stupid enough to elect this loser, they will deserve what they get. Watch what happens when a big hurricane hits and he begs Trump for help from FEMA.

  2. They HAVE TO LIE.

    Their REAL agenda would get them hung. They know it, too.

    Crackers??? More accurately stated would be WELL ARMED crackers.

    Don't make a bad mistake with them.

  3. this is why you do not early vote.

  4. He will destroy Florida worst than any HURRICANE.

  5. i think we need to start watering the tree of liberty with some of these commie subversive marxists

  6. Racist? Nah, couldn't be. He's a Democrat.....and black. We all know that only crackers are racists.


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