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Saturday, November 10, 2018

TRUMP WARNS OBAMA Something Big Is About to Drop: "I'll Never Forgive Him..." For Something That Is About to Be Revealed

President Donald Trump unloaded on his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Friday morning. This came hours after it was reported that the former First Lady Michelle Obama slammed President Trump in her upcoming memoir.

President Trump was asked about the former First Lady’s attacks.
He hit back twice as hard — Saying he will never forgive her husband for letting down the military.

Then President Trump shot a warning at the Obamas.
Something BIG is about to be revealed.



  1. Gonna nail some crooks this time. Finally, how many elections are they going to allow this election "official" to throw.

  2. Go for it, they are a disappointment in so many ways and I voted for Obama twice but he treated 1st Responders especially our Police outlandishly. The most disgusting president ever Nixon was impeached for less than Obama has done, and Obama's 2nd runner up as disgusting is Bill Clinton.

    1. Nixon was not impeached. Clinton was thou.

    2. The House impeached Clinton for lying and the Senate did not vote for his impeachment. That is why he remained in office and to the day receives a government retirement plus security. How do you like them apples. So much taxpayers money spent for nothing. The character I get over is Ted Kennedy letting the young intern drown while he saved his sorry ass and became a highly honored Senator.

    3. Actually Senate votes not to enforce the articles of impeachment. Clinton was already impeached it was just a matter of whether or not he would be shown the door.

  3. I hope it's enough to get that traitorous turd thrown in jail....right next to the Clinton clan!

  4. Michel missess her WH parties part Hollywood. She was never a true American. She took what she could get away with vacations with friends and family on taxpayers time. She is worse that her husband. Why don't they just go away.

  5. obama was the most corrupted criminal president there ever was. He used not only his justice dept but the irs to go after people. He along with the clintons should be rotting away in prisons. The problem is if he is ever indicted for his many crimes the blacks in the country will riot in every town even though he is nothing but a low life lying criminal and if they were an honest race they would admit this. Today is Sunday the Lord's Day and many will go to church. The sin of the matter is most are not real Christians. They will pay for this in their afterlife as God will not accept them in Heaven. A special place in hell is where they will spend their eternity. God hates fake Christians and He sees their ugly hearts and they will pay.


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