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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trump Says "An Honest Vote Is No Longer Possible" In Florida

As @ForexLive pointed out, President Trump has nothing on his schedule during Monday's Veterans' Day holiday. So this morning's steady stream of divisive tweets is expected to continue.

Pivoting away from demands that Europe pay up for US military protection, Trump is refocusing on the election recount in Florida, where narrow victories by Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeStantis and senatorial candidate (and current governor) Rick Scott are being called into question (though the possibility of vote tampering has also emerged as crates of mystery ballots have surfaced in Broward).

Following Scott's decision to file a lawsuit demanding that law enforcement seize vote-counting machines and ballots when they're not in use, Trump, who had previously threatened to open a federal investigation into the sluggish vote-counting process in Broward and Palm Beach counties, is now demanding that the recount be abandoned because of the arrival of a large number of ballots"out of nowhere," adding that many are "missing or forged."

Because of this, "an honest vote count is no longer possible", Trump said. "Ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!."



  1. I don't believe that there are legitimate elections anywhere in this country.
    The dumbocrats have perfected stealing elections.

  2. The President is correct. We need to go with the original vote that was declared and learn from and change the voting system.

  3. Loss of faith in the integrity of elections has ended up with people changing their form of government with very sudden and violent methods.
    Keep playing this scam. Go ahead.
    I hope you have a VERY strong windpipe......
    How many times do Republicans have to be winning obviously and strongly, only to find out on CNN the next day that 400,000 "newly discovered" votes turned their win into a democrat victory?
    That NEVER happens to a democrat. And "we, the people" are just supposed to say "oh well, here we go.....again"?????
    Start the revolution (or LEAST, the hanging of these slimy, whoring, low-down, cheating, anything-to-win, legal or not, cutthroat saboteurs of our republic).
    Or, keep cheering. While you still can.

  4. One system of voting for all 50 states. All early voting tabulated and reported when polls close within the hour. All absentee ballots go to a office who has overseers and must be in by election day.. What we have now is a joke..


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