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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Trump mocks France for occupations, demands payment for NATO

President Trump slammed French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday over NATO burden sharing and trade relationships, while mocking the long-time ally for being occupied during the World Wars.

Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two - How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Parisbefore the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2018

Mr. Trump also accused France of slapping tariffs on American wine.



  1. always about money isn't it no matter what... money money money...

  2. For the mere thought that it has been the US paying the tab since its inception, yes it is about the money.

  3. France needs to pay their bills. Before France complains about the US they need to pay the US the millions / billions they owe the US from saving their Country from occupation in 2 World Wars. They would be speaking German if not for the US Military. France gives no respect or gratitude for US actions and US Military paying with their lives and disability.

  4. Go Mr.President go!

  5. would seem if you can't pay a percentage of your defense how can you pay 100% of it? idiot french/german!

  6. When Germany walked into France in WW 2 the men were shocked by the smell of the people. The people bathed only a couple times a year, and the women were hairier then most of the men!
    They didn't learn good personal hygiene till the USA cleaned them up. This country has a lot to be thanking the USA for.

    French WW 2 rifles are a good deal at most gun shows, never fired and dropped once.
    Their national slogan is "Surrender".


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