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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Toyota to Replace Burnt Tundra as a Thank You to Brave Nurse

For many Californians, the past few days have been a hellish nightmare. Tens-of-thousands of residents have been uprooted from their homes as fires ravage their communities from all sides – and their have been more than 40 deaths. But, with all tragedies, heroes are born, and a nurse, Allyn Pierce, was one of them. Even though his SUV was literally burned on all sides, Pierce repeatedly drove his vehicle through the fires, back to his hospital where he and other medical professionals and emergency responders evacuated patients in Paradise, California.

Pierce is OK, but, he lost his home and although his truck is still operational, it suffered serious fire damage. Responding to that news, Toyota has offered to replace his truck.

Read more at Business Insider.


  1. Can always count on Toyota. I hit a deer straight on at 70 miles an hour speed in my Toyota and walked away from it without a scratch to me that is. My Toyota not so much! It did however save my life.

  2. 8:10 shut up, no one is anymore special than anyone else period!!!! There were others who were not doctors or nurses doing the same god damn thing, so where are there new replacement trucks????? NO where, becasue no one gives a shit about regular people, only to just grand stand.... Not saying this particular guy was grand standing, but that is what Toyota is doing...

    Here is a thought, how about give a homeless guy a truck, or the average poor person or worker who makes less wages... This nurse can afford a new car on his salary and i'm sure he had gap which would cover his truck anyway...

    Yeah go clap and pat yourself on the back for nothing!!!!

  3. 8:10....chill, chill. The nurse went go college, got an good education and helps saves lives. Don't bring someone down for working hard to make something of themselves. The next time you need medical attention, just go to one of the homeless people instead of a nurse.

  4. 8:39.....Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?
    If you knew half of what Toyota does for people you may change your mind.
    They treat their employees and their customers better than many corporations.
    I can say this because I lived in the area where they moved their headquarters and they have stepped up many many times to help people less fortunate. Do they do it for free advertising? No. They do it because they have principals and
    want to be a corporation people are proud to work for. Everyone I knew who has gone to work for them has said
    they are treated most fairly and have amazing benefits. As far as the nurse.......how do you know what he can or can not afford? He also lost his house in the fire and even with insurance he is going to have out of pocket costs that insurance does not always cover. I am sorry you are so bitter about life.


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