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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thousands of Additional Migrants Headed to U.S. Border

Thousands of additional migrants are expected to arrive in Tijuana, Mexico, to try to claim asylum at the U.S. border. The incoming migrants are in addition to the approximately 5,000 migrants who already arrived in this border city during recent days.

Jean Guerrero from KPBS first reported on the expected migrant arrivals after she spoke to a group who had just made their way to Tijuana, Baja California.

The new migrants appear to be from a group of 200 who, according to Frontera.Info, arrived at the border city after having been stranded for days in Mexicali. The Mexican news site reported that the group was primarily made up of young adult males. The migrants said they felt betrayed by their compatriots who had told them that they would be allowed to enter the U.S and request asylum.

The arrival of the new caravan comes just hours after a group of migrants tried to rush the U.S. border at the San Ysidro port of entry. As Breitbart News reported, the effort forced U.S. Customs and Border Protection to shut down the port of entry and establish barricades with federal officers in riot gear. U.S. Customs and Border Protection tweeted that Border Patrol agents were forced to fire tear gas into the crowds as some of the migrants threw rocks.

More here


  1. Enough already!! It's time to start treating this like a national threat. This ridiculousness has no benefit or betterment to our society

  2. In most countries of the world, you would be shot attempting to illegally enter a country. The United States is too lenient. Anyone of these invaders who attempts to enter illegally should be shot.

    1. Agreed! Dont care if its woman, child or man!

  3. I was just kicked out leaving a message about Dems and immigrants. Interesting.

  4. If these people were "immigrants" fleeing their "bad" country then WTF are they carrying and displaying their countries flag.

    These are not immigrants or assylum seekers, these are terrorists invading our country and the fact that they are proudly waving their countries flags then this invasion is an act of war.

    It is time to support our President unless you are a TRAITOR!!


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