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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Supreme Court accepts case of Maryland war memorial shaped like cross

The case regarding whether or not a Maryland war memorial in the shape of a cross goes against a separation of church and state was accepted for final review by Supreme Court justices on Friday.

The controversial memorial, which stands in Bladensburg, Maryland, was previously deemed to be in violation of the Constitution by a federal appeals court in Virginia, who determined that it “has the primary effect of endorsing religion and excessively entangles the government in religion.”

In petitioning the nation’s highest court to take the case, Maryland officials who maintain the monument, otherwise known as the “Peace Cross,” insisted that what it’s meant to honor proves that its purpose is to portray a secular message of remembrance, not one of religion.

Should the appeals court’s decision be allowed to stand, it could potentially affect hundreds of similar monuments across the country and would force “the removal or dismemberment of a cherished war memorial that has served as a site of solemn commemoration and civic unity for nearly a century,” the officials said.



  1. How come these unhappy bastards always get what they don't want? What about all of those who want these commemoratives. Don't we get anything?

  2. I lived in that area for decades and never heard anyone complain about the Peace Cross.

  3. What about all these schools in Maryland that allow blacks to hold church in them on Sunday?? So much for separation of church and state.

  4. Thank God for atheists.
    Shining examples of assholes who can't look the other way, ignore anything, and demand the whole world kiss their ace to make sure they are happy.
    NO ONE is converting to Christianity because of the sight of a cross and the sight of one, in and of itself, is an affront ONLY to weak-kneed, lily-livered, cross-dressing jerks seeking to prove how dedicated they are to making sure no one else can display something they don't agree with. The VERY GREAT majority of the men (DEAD MEN) firmly believed in that cross. Men who died protecting your right to bellyache over your emotions. Let it go, girlies.....
    It's OUR tax dollars, too.
    Now, the resident atheist can give his pointed legal reasoning again.
    Just STOP, please, STOP trying to convince everyone else that a cross on any public property is an ENDORSEMENT or a FORCIBLE ENTREATY to become a Christian. Like the government has a gun to their head.
    You f'ing idiot.

  5. @ November 3, 2018 at 3:31 PM Imclain

    Imclain, explain to me why a Cross is the symbol that has to be used when literally any other symbol is available? An image of an eagle, a regular grave marker, an image of a solider, a wall... the list could actually be endless. Why does it HAVE to be Christian iconography?

    Explain why the Christian symbol of a cross is what it must be, and why it is the best choice, AND explain how that Christian symbol can somehow represent ALL Americans, and not just Christians.

    Imclain, are all soldiers Christians?.. or is our military comprised of all kinds of American heroes? Christian, Jew, Muslim, Humanist, Atheist... etc etc?

    What do you think would be the best way to represent ALL Americans Soldiers?

  6. @ November 3, 2018 at 3:31 PM Imclain

    Imclain, explain to me why a Cross is the symbol that has to be used when literally any other symbol is available? An image of an eagle, a regular grave marker, an image of a solider, a wall... the list could actually be endless. Why does it HAVE to be Christian iconography?

    Explain why the Christian symbol of a cross is what it must be, and why it is the best choice, AND explain how that Christian symbol can somehow represent ALL Americans, and not just Christians.

    Imclain, are all soldiers Christians?.. or is our military comprised of all kinds of American heroes? Christian, Jew, Muslim, Humanist, Atheist... etc etc?

    What do you think would be the best way to represent ALL Americans Soldiers?


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