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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Subject: ‘She’s Not Very Good At Her Job’ — Tucker’s Guest Attacks Brenda Snipes And Her Role In Florida’s Recount

A researcher at the Government Accountability Institute attacked Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes on Tuesday night for her inability to uphold the election law during an interview with Tucker Carlson.

Eric Eggers appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss the litany of mistakes, intentional or not, that cloud her time in her position.



  1. I bet she's an Affirmative Action hire!

  2. Ugh thats pretty apparent, another affirmative action hire who doesnt know their a$$ from a hole in the ground, should have been fired years ago!

  3. You better believe it. Could you understand any of the words. Sometimes English is not their language - obonics is the language.


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