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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Soros-Tied Hillary Alumni Group Helping to Organize Volunteers for Florida Recount

Demand Justice, an organization founded by former members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and associated with a “social welfare organization” financed by billionaire activist George Soros, is helping to organize volunteers to aid Senator Bill Nelson’s campaign with the Florida recount.

Demand Justice sent out a blast email asking for “volunteers to help out in a variety of roles in the recount process, including observing at polls, data processing, and logistics organization.”

The group advertised that it is seeking supporters who are either in Florida or who can travel there.

The email linked to a signup form on Nelson’s campaign website asking for volunteers in the following areas: Observing the counts; scheduling volunteers and staff; data processing; general logistics; and outreach.

Demand Justice, which formed earlier this year, took center stage when it helped lead opposition to President Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh.

More here


  1. This makes me "Reminise"" about 1960 ! (Nixon)) stolen !election! Jfk. Oh no Nixon !

  2. Nope - I trust them less than a cocktail from Bill Cosby!
    Get an independent organization - Dem's have to pay for it since they're losing and want the recount!

  3. Is this supposed to be a surprise to any one. Soros & Family is in the middle of all this, since he is pro-Democrat and an ANARCHIST that his mission is to create a total Socialist world with him the leader.


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