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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Save a small engine, reform the Renewable Fuel Standard

Recently, the White House directed the Environmental Protection Agency to begin permitting year-round sale of E15 fuel, which is a blend containing 15 percent ethanol by volume. The trouble with this rule change is that, unless it is coupled with major reforms to the federal Renewable Fuel Standard, American consumers will suffer both financially and environmentally.

E15 is unhealthy for the engines that power motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, boats, lawn mowers, and powered equipment, not to mention cars manufactured in 2000 and earlier. None of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and ATVs currently in operation is approved by the EPA to use E15.

Using E15 in engines not designed for it can result in motor and fuel system damage and jeopardize manufacturers' warranties.



  1. Producing ethanol results in a net energy loss. It takes more energy to produce ethanol that the ethanol provides. It is the true definition of insanity. Aside from how horrible it is to burn it burns more fuel to produce than the benefit it provides. I'm unsure who is behind the push but you can bet it is someone making money off the corn farming or subsidies.

  2. 10:56 is right on.
    Ethanol in motor fuel not only causes lean burning conditions but is corrosive to fuel metering and delivery parts as well as to valve seats.
    Ethanol is also very hydroscopic (Attracts water) so delivery and handling of ethanol fuel has it own set of problems.

  3. Folks much higher on the food chain have been screaming this for years. Farmers have been screaming this for years....

    Yet no one is receiving the message. Very interesting indeed!


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