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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Salisbury News Is Still Delmarva's News Leader

First of all, Thank You! The biggest compliment I can receive on a daily basis is proven by the traffic I receive. Trust me, if I wasn't growing each and every day I'd completely shut this Site down. 

Does it not blow your mind as well how this site has proven the Conservative view far outweighs the Liberal view here on the Shore, yet all of your local MSM continues to bash our President and refrain from telling you the truth. 

Stay dry today Folks. 


  1. How much $ are you making off of it think WBOC will buy you out lolololol.

  2. You really don't have to remind us, but it's ok if you do. Everyone now knows where to go to get the CORRECT news, instead of always the liberal view, that this town produces on a daily basis. Keep it up Joe, you are, and have always, done a good job, and I, for one, appreciate all that you do.

  3. Are you looking for employees? Seriously!!

    1. 700 where does it state he is hiring ???? Pay attention .

  4. Salisbury News is my go to for eastern shore (and national) news. One of my morning rituals. Thanks Joe.

  5. You are **WelCome!!" I (See) the Truth^^ Only here !

  6. I agree completely with 7:00 AM.

  7. I appreciate your news and conservative comments I no longer live in the Salisbury area so I stay in touch through your news. I am a Florida resident now but the best news I can get is from Sbynews. Thank you.

  8. I absolutely love this site. My son, who lives in VA, but likes to keep up with what's going on at home, turned me on to it. Silly me didn't even know about it. Now, both my husband and I are hooked!!! I spend way too much time on here, but it is so addicting. Love it! Keep it going. Don't change a thing.

  9. Don't you dare...shut it down!
    Keep up the great work Joe. You do/are making a difference.

  10. With the local media at the bottom , you really don't have any competition .

  11. This blog is the only news Salisbury has, it is real not pushed under the covers, lies and half truths but the real thing. Thank you Joe for every day, I hope anyone considering moving to this area reads this blog first. And someone out there run for Mayor please, time for the child to retire.


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