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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Robert Royal: Strange Last-Minute Gambit By Pope Stopping American Bishops Shows He’s Part of the Problem

Catholic Church commentator Robert Royal says that Pope Francis’s recent request that U.S. Catholic bishops meeting in Baltimore this week take no immediate additional actions to stop clergy sex abuse is head-spinning.

“The Vatican knew for months that the bishops would deal with abuse at their regular Fall gathering. The pope asked them to cancel it and hold a spiritual retreat instead until the heads of bishops’ conferences from around the world meet in February,” Royal writes in The Catholic Thing. “… Whatever the fear, to wait until the very day the meeting opened to request no voting take place is almost without precedent. For many Americans, sad to say, the pope has probably just confirmed what he was forced to admit in Chile: he’s part of the problem.”



  1. This will continue H appen until you let priests marry and have normal family lives like other religions do. But they never will. It's all about the money, not God or the people.

  2. He can't do anything because others are aware of his past transgressions. Besides, what do you expect from an organization that forbids men to marry. I thought god said something along the lines of 'go out and multiply'.


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