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Friday, November 23, 2018

Retailers Continue To Be Sued Over Misused Firearms

Gun control activists have long claimed that suing those who make and sell firearms is a viable tactic, that it’s somehow just to blame them for what someone else has done. It was so bad that Congress took action, passing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to curtail that brand of nonsense.

The law did allow for exceptions, however, as it should. I mean, if a gun explodes because of faulty manufacturing, you should be entitled to sue.

But now anti-gunners are trying to use those exceptions to navigate around the protections whenever they can.



  1. It should be noted that it is scumbag lawyers that are doing the suing.

  2. Not to worry, the Supreme Court, which is where this will eventually end up, is Red.

  3. Death by a thousand cuts.

  4. So using that "logic" one should sue car makers when a drunk driver kills someone


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