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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Republicans Want Trump To Declassify A New Batch Of FBI Documents

Republicans for months have pressed the Justice Department to turn over classified emails that show that the FBI “withheld evidence” from the federal court that authorized surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said Sunday.

California Rep. Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the Intelligence panel, said in an interview on Fox News that Republicans have recently added the documents to a list of records that they hope President Donald Trump will declassify.

“For months, we have been reviewing emails between FBI and DOJ and others that clearly show that they knew of information that should have been presented to the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Court. It is real evidence that people within the FBI withheld evidence from the FISA court,” Nunes said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo.

Nunes did not further describe the documents, except to say that some contain information that remains redacted, even from congressional review.


1 comment:

  1. President Trump should release / declassify all before the Democrats take over. This will show / expose the "bullying" Democrats in depth involvement and expose their waste of money on investigations and prove they do not want the truth because they will not expose themselves or political buddies.


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