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Monday, November 26, 2018

Report: Basic Income Disincentivizes Work

The idea of providing what's called a "Basic Income" for low-income individuals funded by the government is not new. But it's a concept that has been gaining traction in the media, higher education, Congress and elsewhere.

A Basic Income, or basic living stipend, is given to citizens as a regular cash payment using taxpayer money, BasicIncome.org explains. It is unconditional, has no means test, and can be implemented nationally, regionally or locally.

Karl Widerquist, associate professor at Georgetown University in Qatar, spoke at Tulane University recently about the need for Basic Income.

Widerquist, described by Atlantic Monthly as "a leader of the worldwide basic income movement," asserts that Basic Income is essential "not only for people at the bottom but also for the average worker." He told the Tulane audience that advocates can "remove the judgment and paternalism that pervade the world’s existing social welfare systems," and offered options for paying for a Basic Income.



  1. Really. Welfare programs are to tie you over until you can get back on your feet. I know. It happened to me. I was given enough aide to pay rent; transportation and food for 1 month. Until I got my first pay check in 3 weeks. It was not meant to support you for generations. Basic income has no incentive or motivation to better yourself. So starting out on a job that I need financial assistance from the Government to accomplish I would then have to pay higher taxes for someone on basic income. Why bother. I would just accept basic income like everyone else and who then would pay for it? Welfare has gotten out of control and basic income is not the answer.

    1. Well said and spot on, the demoncrats have allowed it to become a life long, generation after generation way of living.

  2. Just another form of Socialism, take from those with, who have worked hard in one form or another, and give it to the have not's so we all have the same economic worth. Just plain Socialism wrapped in a pretty name!

  3. Too many have a liplock on the public spigot.


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