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Monday, November 19, 2018

Protesters in Tijuana March to Kick Out Migrant Caravan

Mexican protesters took to the streets on Sunday to protest the growing influx of Central American migrants who have made their way to the border city of Tijuana.

In the most recent protest, groups of Tijuana residents want to evict the migrants from a shelter where approximately 2,000 Central Americans are staying. The Tijuana government set up the shelter as the city witnessed a reported buildup of federal and state police forces while the numbers of migrants continue to climb.

In two videos shared online by U.S. journalist Emily Green, dozens of protesters, some wearing wrestling masks and bandanas, can be seen marching towards the makeshift shelter.

Anti migrant protestors headed to shelter where caravan of migrants has set up camp to “kick them out.” pic.twitter.com/vDOlEIMFK0

— Emily Green (@emilytgreen) November 18, 2018

The number of protesters appeared to grow on Sunday as the migrant caravan is starting to lose favor among certain sectors of Mexico’s northern states.


1 comment:

  1. Offer any Mexican $20 for the head of a Migrant, bet we don't have a problem of migrants after 24 hours!


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