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Thursday, November 08, 2018

President Trump SLAMS Jim Acosta: You Are A Rude Terrible Person


  1. The white house should change the format of the news conference. Assign/pick numbers from a bowl when reporters enter, call on numbers. One question per number. Ends screaming to be heard and interruptions. Just dont tell them how many numbers will be called in advance

  2. Headline should read "Trump Provides the Ultimate Example of 'Projection'"

  3. The president showed great control. I'm a laid back person but would have probably made a ass out of myself when my fist went in this punks face. Who does this kid think he is? It is apparent he has never had a good ole fashion ass whooping. I don't like to see anyone physically harmed but enough is enough. As a matter of fact, I would rather see Sarah Huckabee Sanders kick his butt and throw him out. I'm sure she or any other lady could do it with no problem. On arrogant punk.

  4. Means a lot coming from a petulant 5 year old.

  5. I would have had him removed.

  6. These reporters and some others too, have no more respect for the office of the president than the punks in school have for teachers.

  7. This is why I love him. He will put anyone in their place. Trump 2020


  8. The President did show considerable restraint. He erred only in calling on Acosta at all. Glad they pulled his credentials. Sends a message to other drama queens in the 'press'.

    In a show of conciliation, perhaps they could install a children's room with a sound proof glass for Acosta and any of his pals. Many churches have this feature. Just kidding in this paragraph.

    Thank you, Mr. President!

  9. Secret service should have kicked HIS ASS.


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