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Friday, November 09, 2018

Police Met With "Irate, Irrational" SoCal Mass-Shooter In April, "Didn't Feel He Warranted Psych Hold"

Update 3: More details have emerged about the shooter, 28-year-old Ian David Long, who opened fire at let off at least 30 shots from a Glock with an extended magazine.

Long, a former-marine, was dressed in all black during the shooting and eventually turned the gun on himself after police officers arrived.

Police say they have "had several contacts with Mr. Long over the years for minor offenses."

He was a victim of assault and battery in a bar in 2015. The police then confirmed that in April of this year, officers were called to Long's house:"officers went to his house, he was somewhat irate, acting a little irrationally."

The officers then called out their Crisis Intervention Team, "and mental health specialists who met with him, talked to him, and cleared him, didn't feel he was qualified to be taken under 5150."



  1. Let’s see: CA has stringent gun control laws. Law abiding citizens are prevented from getting concealed pistol permits except in extreme circumstances, so no one in that building was armed and prepared to defend themselves or others. Long, on the other hand, had no such restrictions because he was not inclined to follow the law. Thanks liberal Marxist democrats for creating these mass shooting environments. Will you ever learn? No, forget that. They will just pile on other ineffective laws and regulations.

  2. That's bc they want people like him SNAP so they can bring up gun control.


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