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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Pelosi warns against ousting a woman

She and her allies argue she can’t be denied the speakership after Democrats seized the House on a wave of female support.

Nancy Pelosi is making gender a central part of her bid to reclaim the speaker’s gavel — leaning hard into the pitch that Democrats cannot oust the only woman at their leadership table following a historic election for women.

In addition to arguing she’s the best qualified for the job, the California Democrat and her allies are also framing a Pelosi victory as a matter of protecting political progress for women at a critical moment. Push her out, and men may take over the party at a time when more than 100 women are heading to Capitol Hill and after female voters have been thoroughly alienated by President Donald Trump. Embrace her, and she’ll prioritize legislation empowering women on issues ranging from equal pay to anti-harassment legislation.



  1. So Pelosi is going to take on "issues ranging from equal pay to anti-harassment legislation."?
    I seem to remember these issues on the front burner for 10 - maybe 20 - years now???
    You can say the same for the promise of "better schools"; "better race relations"; "better and cheaper health care"; "tax breaks for the middle class"; "lower taxes across the board", etc., etc., etc.
    I've heard this crap for 30+ years. Nothing ever gets done, except somehow the politicians get much, much richer while in office.
    It's all political-speak nonsense - year in and year out.

  2. she speaks for freaks so shut up nancy your 15 min is ovr. you will never speak for me or my wife

  3. Ditto 10:30....same ole same ole each election for all my life (74 yoa). This has been the same for both parties. They are at our trough for themselves only. Maybe there are a few that are in it to represent us, but very few. Why else would politicians spent so much money to gain a seat that even though pays too much, it is less pay than spent. I can recall as a child standing outside of the polls in Somerset County with my father and miniatures of booze along with two dollar bills being passed out to the voters on their way in. I was probably ten years old and thought how do they know after handing out bribes for a vote, who the lucky recipient would vote for when inside. Lol

  4. Whatever happened to 'gender neutral' that the liberals have been espousing? Gender matters now, but not on a drivers license or birth certificate - or in a Target bathroom. WTF?


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