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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Pelosi Thanks Al Sharpton for ‘Saving America’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) on Wednesday praised MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton and thanked him for "saving America."

Pelosi spoke at the National Action Network's (NAN) legislative and policy conference, where she laid out the Democrat Party's agenda before introducing Sharpton, who founded the non-profit civil rights organization in 1991. The organization was focused on turning out voters during the midterms.

"We are going to be visionary. We are going to be unifying. We are going to be healing. We are going to be transparent in how we do this. We are going to be respectful of other views, but we are going to try to find our common ground where we can," Pelosi said. "We have a responsibility to do that, but where we can't, stand our ground like a rock. That's what Thomas Jefferson advised us to do."

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  1. Well, its an absurd claim, but not too much more absurd than those that believe Trump magically waved a wand and US jobs began to appear.

    1. Obama lover I see

    2. Agree. Just explain to me how Sharpton helped. By not paying his taxes. Being a millionaire who does have a job or business. Nancy Pelsosi had lost her mind. Black vote is going to Trump. Haven't you heard.

  2. saving the money he owes in taxes too ... the little POS

  3. As if I already did not know, but this woman is F$%#^&G nuts!!

  4. I knew this woman was nutty, but she is just plain nuts if she thinks Al Sharpton saved anything, except his own a$$ from paying taxes. Give us all a break Pelosi and go home and put out some fires.

  5. Lol....you're killing me. Stop my sides are hurting.

  6. Sharpton would really save America just by paying the millions of dollars he owes in back taxes.

  7. She really can't help that she's an idiot.


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