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Friday, November 23, 2018

Pelosi and her deputies cling to power despite calls to give way to new generation of Democrats

Democrats are poised to re-elect their long-reigning triumvirate of leaders in the House of Representatives despite calls for a generational shift from a number of new members impatient for change.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her two deputies, who will all be 80 by the 2020 elections, declared for the top three spots in leadership after last week’s election, which sent Democrats into their first majority in eight years. They occupied the top three slots the last time the Democrats entered the majority, in 2006.

Though a vocal group of Pelosi defectors is actively whipping against the California Democrat, no one has mounted a bid against her or her second-in-command and presumptive majority leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland.



  1. She will be speaker and do nothing but fall apart in the coming months. Other then Obamacare,war and higher taxes what did she do the last time? Democrats are fractured by ideology and globalist. The new socialist are already falling in line with Nancy and Hillary. The socialist will take to YouTube and twitter complain about the rich, corporations and healthcare but support Nancy all the way behind close doors. Nancy is a pawn for big corporations that donate 1 billion dollars to Hillarys campaign.

  2. Media wont report on how badly they will do.

  3. Like Hillary, Pelosi is obsessed with having power over others and needs all the attention and perks that come with the job. Their need for power is like a black hole sucking in everything around them. The only time they pander to American citizens (and yes illegals too) is during the elections.


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