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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Palm Beach County's Voting Machines Overheat, Forcing Another Recount Of 175,000 Votess

The vote counting situation in Florida's Palm Beach County is going from bad to worse.

As Democratic attorneys push to allow Florida counties "as much time as they need" to finish a machine recount that threatens to switch the outcomes for the state's gubernatorial and senate races from the Republican to the Democratic column (a recount is also being held for the state's Agricultural Commissioner position), ballot counting machines in problem-plagued Palm Beach have broken down, forcing the county to restart its recount of 175,000 ballots, according to the Miami Herald.

This latest setback means the county likely won't meet a Thursday afternoon deadline to finish the recount, and its election officials, including Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher, are scrambling to request more time after losing a whole day's worth of work. Bucher has insisted that employees are working "24-7" to ensure that the ballots are counted accurately. Even before the breakdown of the machines, Bucher had maintained that she didn't think the county could meet the Thursday deadline, though she had struggled to find an excuse to justify an extension. Yet, as fate would have it, one has apparently arrived.



  1. Delays, delays, delays so we can think up more corruption to get the dems in office

  2. The election is OVER!!!!!

    Palm Beach failed to participate.

    Better luck next time.

  3. That is what happens when you run hot stuff (stolen) through them.

  4. No more excuses from Florida, please.

  5. These machine are stopping because they've been rigged to count dumbocrat votes and they are kicking out rationality errors.

  6. They should be left out in 2 yrs as a PUNISHMENT.


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