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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Pakistan’s Supreme Court Acquits Christian Woman of Blasphemy Charges

Pakistan's Supreme Court on Wednesday acquitted a Christian woman who has been on death row for nearly eight years on blasphemy charges.

Asia Bibi was accused of defiling the name of the Prophet Mohammed during an argument with Muslim colleagues in 2009, and she was convicted of blasphemy the following year and sentenced to death. But the mother of five won her appeal against the conviction this week, CNN reported.

The acquittal prompted protests in Islamabad and Lahore, where the demonstrations quickly became large enough that government officials urged people to stay inside. Members of the Islamist movement Tehreek-e Labbaik staged sit-ins and yelled slogans against Pakistani officials.

More here


  1. Praise God!

    This is wonderful news!

  2. In other words the Pakistani government caught word that if they executed this woman the US would cut ALL aid. Now we couldn't have that could we?

  3. You can say nuke 'em into the Stone Age, but they're mostly already there.


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