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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Obama's Divided America

“Everything is terrible. We’re so divided.” If you spend any time at all on social media, you have likely seen several versions of that statement from pretty much everyone. We are most definitely divided and have no common ground anymore. We share no first principles with each other and should go our separate ways, but that’s another matter. Rather than speak about where we are going, perhaps we should find out where this divide began. It began with Barack Obama.

Obama wasn’t the one who pushed us over the edge on excessive spending, unaffordable healthcare, or any of our other issues. Though he was certainly a huge contributor to those problems. The tangible problems we face as a nation have many an author. What Obama did was completely change the political culture and how we relate to one another. That issue, he owns alone. Sure there were many on the Left and Right who made contributions to this divide. Lyndon Johnson stands out as one of the worst offenders. Trump, when all is said and done, certainly won’t be remembered as a great unifier either as he’s fully embraced this modern political climate. But America reached its final form under Obama. Obama was the tipping point. He was when America crossed the Rubicon and now exists politically in a constant state of strife and angst.

Due to a broken American media that fell in love with him, Obama was a man most didn’t fully understand. On top of his radical associations, he was not a man seasoned by long years in D.C. politics. Nor was he a man who worried about the collateral damage of his political style. Barack Obama learned politics in Chicago. And they don’t call it “The Chicago Way” because it is clean and polite. It is “The Chicago Way” because it is vicious and without scruples. And it doesn’t hesitate to kick a man when he’s down.



  1. Yes BUT paid for by George Soros.

  2. Obama's are still doing it. Michalle with her new book becoming. Just hateful. It is a tool used to make Trump less of a person just before the start of the 2020 election campaign. The Chicago way.

  3. Lets see. If I recall correctly, the moment Obama through his hat in the ring to run, a certain set of loons on the right started false claims of being a foreign born muslim. Prior to this, those same loons accused him and others of being unpatriotic and traitors for not supporting the US going into Iraq. Can the crap folks. You and your support of folks like Hannity and Rush are the ones dividing the nation. You spend your days spreading fake bs just so you can push a political agenda

  4. You are the one that Rush refers to as "minds of mush" 10:00. Those loons were correct, so get over it.

    Trump/Pence 2020 !!

  5. John fairy Kerry is still bashing Trump.

  6. 755 thanks for proving my point. LOL

  7. Dave T: Good thing for Obozo is there is an old saying that's quite true, and I hope I'm still around to watch it go down. It's called, "what goes around, comes around."


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