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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Obama Unhinged: Mocks Hillary Emails, Trump, Migrant Caravan — In Under 90 seconds!

Stammering Democrat leader not evoking confidence as midterms close in

Former President Barack Obama has had a hard time staying focused on the campaign trail lately.

While stumping in Miami, Florida, with Sen. Bill Nelson, D-FL, and Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, the former president tried his best to deliver a home run speech before Tuesday’s midterm elections.


  1. I think that not electing Hilliary was the most important election!
    The additional damage she would have done - piled on to what the turd did the eight years previous.....

  2. Tired of seeing and hearing about the turd. Didn't watch him when he held us hostage, no plans of watching it now.

  3. Jim Jones at the cult in Guyana came immediately to mind. Don’t be sheeple no matter your party affiliation.

  4. Same guy that says the police act stupidly and ISIS is the jv team. Something about a video in Benghazi. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. Jobs arn't coming back.....I could go on and on. Obama is lying machine. If he were a republican the MSM would have roasted him long ago.

  5. The village idiot who never worked a day in his life. Most famous leftists are filthy rich, they don't really care about the the legal citizens. We've been bamboozled.

  6. Right! There is a village in Africa that is missing it's idiot. Please come get him and take him home.

  7. Why do we give Obama so much attention. He is a private citizen now (supposedly). He has his comments like the rest of us but you don't see me on TV.


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