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Monday, November 05, 2018

'Nurse' Democrat Lauren Underwood Never Worked as a Nurse: Report

Democrat Lauren Underwood, 32, running for Congress in the far western suburbs of Chicago, has exaggerated her nursing career, pretending she worked as a nurse when she has never done so, a local newspaper reported Friday.

The Kane County Reporter dug into Underwood’s claims and found that while she had studied nursing and was a registered to practice nursing, “she never has, in Illinois, nor anywhere else.”

Instead, when she completed her education, Underwood worked for the Obama administration on Obamacare’s rollout — a project that was a disaster when it launched in 2013. (She now admits it was “not perfect.”)



  1. Another lyin' SocialistDemocrat - Absolutely no surprise there!

    Updated, "If you want to keep your nurse who never worked as a nurse, you can keep your nurse who never worked as a nurse." Barry Dunham Soetoro.

  2. Why do they inflate their resumes?

  3. Ditto 1:39. Nobody asked for a lie. Why has it gotten to be a everyday thing?


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