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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

NRA: Vote like Your Gun Rights Depend on It--Because They Do

The NRA is urging its six million members and other freedom-loving Americans to vote like their gun rights depend on it–because they do.

The NRA tweeted:

The Second Amendment is on the ballot. If you don’t vote, you are supporting the Bloomberg/Schumer/Pelosi EXTREME gun control agenda. It is that simple.
The NRA’s point is clear: the Second Amendment is in danger at state and federal levels if gun voters do not pour into the polls.

At the state level, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) has made clear that the outcome of her gun control plans could mean Georgians have to “turn their guns in.” Moreover, Abrams wants to add a three-day waiting period for gun purchases and universal background checks. She also wants to repeal campus carry, which is a law that allows concealed carry permit holders to keep their guns with them for self-defense on public college and university campuses.

On the federal level, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) claims to be pro-gun, yet he voted against both of President Trump’s pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominees. Conversely, Tester voted for both of President Barack Obama’s anti-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominees.

Tester has a D rating from the NRA, whereas his challenger, Matt Rosendale (R), has an A rating.

Consider Sen. Claire


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE to say "I told you so" to all you cheerleaders.

    Our love of freedom, individuality, and self-reliance under limited government is being eroded at every turn. Deliberately. And with bad intent.
    Backed up by armed men who think they are doing the right thing, but are actually playing a major part in our subjugation.
    Following orders and such.
    Same thing they said at the Nuremberg trials. They got shot or hung.
    Just as we will do.
    Keep cheering.


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