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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Newt Gingrich: Stop the caravan and build the wall to keep deadly drugs out and save lives

A perfect storm is brewing in the Southern Hemisphere and making its way north to the United States.

Heroin, fentanyl and other opioids already pour through America’s southern border and this infiltration is one of three elements that will feed the perfect storm. Every day, 115 Americans die from opioid overdoses and from tainted drugs passing through our border with Mexico.

The second element is MS-13, the brutal gang that is a drug courier of choice used by the Mexican drug cartels for distribution of these drugs within the United States.

When these two elements are mixed with the third element – the caravan of several thousand people, mostly men, seeking to break through our southern border – you complete a toxic combination leading to a perfect storm.

MS-13 gang members have already been found in the mass migration (although some have claimed they are no longer affiliated with the gang). It is not hard to spot them with their MS-13 tattoos. It is only a small leap in logic that MS-13 gang members will be using the caravan as a cover to increase their drug and human trafficking operations.

This combination magnifies the threat to America’s national security. A border wall is needed more than ever.



  1. To build the wall, start with the road that runs along the wall. The military can do that now, and it will help with what they're doing to secure against the invasion.

  2. If Republicans win in a big red sunami hopefully they will take of things promised and badly needed. They absolutely must seal off the southern border with a wall, fence or whatever and they must appeal and REPLACE Obama care or fix it. If they don't do those two things they will lose big time in 2020.

  3. I jus seen the barbed wire put up it's only 4 ft tall they BETTER TRIPLE TBE HEIGHT

  4. Yet the Dems are claiming this caravan is a hoax. Even critizing Republicans. Do they live under a rock.

  5. They have left a trail of trash and feces throughout their journey and there are gangs with them. They are riding in trucks providing water whilst they are smoking and drinking it up like this is some sort of road trip party. Stop them at the border. Make them Mexico's problem. Lock down all immigration from every where for six months until we can come up with united and enforced policy.


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