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Saturday, November 24, 2018

New Vaccine Could Cut Number Of Alzheimer's Cases In Half

A new Alzheimer's vaccine developed by scientists at the University of Texas Southwestern could conceivably cut the number of dementia cases in half.

Unlike a previous attempt that caused swelling in the brain when DNA was injected into the test mice's muscles, the new vaccine was administered by injecting it superficially into the skin.

Alzheimer’s, which is expected to strike triple the number of people by 2050, cripples the brain as human beings age, as beta-amyloid proteins in the brain get stuck together and tau proteins start to tangle, both of which inhibit neural connections. The new vaccine, injected into the skin, triggers the skin cells to produce a three-molecule chain of beta-amyloid. The immune system is then catalyzed to produce antibodies to fight beta-amyloid; the antibodies also fight tau proteins. This means the body anticipates the Alzheimer's plaques and tangles before they happen.



  1. Get busy before you all forget how to get to work in the morning.

  2. Free trials to all who have the disease - to prevent what everyone thinks will happen by 2050.

  3. How about stopping the deliberate release of nano-particulate aluminum into the upper atmosphere?
    How about that?


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