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Monday, November 26, 2018

Mexico To Deport Hundreds Of Migrants Who "Violently" Rushed US Border

Update: Mexico will deport approximately 500 migrants who "violently" tried to cross into the United States, according to Reuters.

Officials closed the largest land crossing in North America on Sunday at San Ysidro as hundreds of migrants rushed the US border in an attempt to cross into the United States.



  1. Good to see the country of Mexico is doing the correct thing!

  2. Only, becasue you are hitting them in their pocket by not allowing anything they produce to enter by the border being shut down... If it had nothing to do with their pocket, rest assured, they would not do a damn thing... Seeing how they won't do a damn thing against the cartels...

    Remember stupid people of SBY, if you actually stand up and fight back and resit, and hit them in their pocket you too can affect change...

  3. Someone is Not properly shoring up parts of the boarder so it's easy to get in.

  4. Civil war is coming.


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