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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Md. officers serving 'red flag' gun seizure fatally shoot armed man

Two police officers ordered to remove firearms from a house on a “red flag” protective order fatally shot an armed man Monday morning in Ferndale, Maryland, police said.

Anne Arundel County Police arrived at the house at 5:17 a.m. to remove guns from the home under a new law that temporarily allows for the seizure of firearms if a person shows “red flags” that they are a danger to themselves or others, The Baltimore Sun reported.

A man, later identified by his niece as Gary Willis, answered his door with a gun in his hand, Anne Arundel County Police Sgt. Jacklyn Davis said.

Sgt. Davis said the man put the gun down and then picked it up again, “a fight ensued over the gun,” and a shot was fired. The first shot didn’t strike anyone, but the officers then fatally shot the man, Sgt. Davis said.

Michele Willis, the man’s niece, told The Sun that one of her aunts requested the protective order against Mr. Willis, but she declined to say why.



  1. @5:17a.m., I'd have a gun in my hand too! Especially in Salisbury!

  2. they came on heresay and no court trail for him to counter charges. WECOME TO THE COMMUNIST STATE OF MD.. no need for legality just take em on someones word...nice job gestpo useful idiot pigs...hopefully someone sues the living crap out of MD ON THIS

  3. Governor Hogan, Mary Beth Corozza, Chris Adams, Carl Anderton and the rest of the Democrats are responsible for this.

  4. And so it begins...

  5. If the police show up at f'ing 5am (!!) and you didn't call them and there are more than two, OPEN FIRE IMMEDIATELY.

    They aren't there to help you or serve you. They are there to take your property, cuff you, jail you and kill you if they feel like it.

    This crap is out of control. Now, the Gestapo can kill you based on just about ANYONE'S official statement???
    Revolution. Not servitude or subjugation.
    That's why MY house is a an armed and ready habitat.
    Send the single guys up to the door first.
    And don't think a bullet proof vest will help at all.
    This ain't Australia, England, China, or any other place where the citizens are subjects to be ruled.
    Live free or die. You first.

  6. 8:04 needs to have his guns removed from his possession.

  7. So much for due process.

  8. 10:53....why don't YOU come and get them??

    You cheerleaders better get a grip.
    Your "leaders" are walking all over you and the Constitution.
    Based on an STATEMENT from just about anyone (NO ONE EVER does anything from a grudge, hatred, or a desire to "get back" at a former friend or lover, right???), ARMED men will come to your house (like little bit**es in the night) to FORCIBLY TAKE whatever they want(!!) NO trial. No charges. Really? In AMERICA?!? Are they also going to start openly wearing swastika's, too?
    "We, the people" are just supposed to roll over and say "yass suh, go 'head, and by the way, will you handcuff me and march me outside in front of my neighbors like I'm a f'ing terrorist, too?"
    They are ready and willing to KILL YOU (remember the no trial, no charges thing, you goofs??) if you fail to "comply". I'm ready to fight back.
    Piece by piece and little by little we are being SUBJUGATED. Controlled. Disarmed.
    You cheer that?
    Again, send the single men first.
    Maybe that bad ass at 10:53 will be first in, but probably not. People like him want SOMEONE ELSE to do the heavy lifting.
    To paraphrase an old saying regarding freedom, when they finally come for YOU, no one will be left to take up for you or defend you. And by God, they WILL eventually be coming.....
    Idiot cheerleaders.

  9. No, 10:53, you need to wake the hell up about what this kind of thing can lead to. This could very well just be a family member that had bad blood w/this guy.

  10. All because someone requested a protective order? No proof at all he was a danger to anyone. This is what happens when democrats run the state and not the people.


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