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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

MASSIVE Crowd Comes for Trump’s Late-Election Push in Georgia

MACON, Georgia — It was a rally like no other in Peach State history for a midterm election. As the late Larry Munson, who called University of Georgia football games on the radio for decades, might have said, “President Donald Trump stepped on the record books with a hobnail boot and broke their bindings.”

Several thousand lined up hours early to see Trump make his closing argument for Georgia Republican gubernatorial nominee Brian Kemp, who faces Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams on Tuesday.

“This is one of the most important elections of our lifetime,” Trump said during his introduction. “This is a very important election. I wouldn’t say it’s as important as 2016, but it’s right up there. It’s right up there. It really is. It’s become so incredible, and there is electricity in the air like I haven’t seen since the 2016 big victory that we all had together.”

“Incredible electricity. And in fact, speaking of that, could I ask — look at this. It’s like the Academy Awards. Look at how many cameras. Could I ask you to turn around and shoot? They don’t have to do this with other celebrities when they come here that don’t have very big crowds. Look at the people back there. Shoot it. You’ve got to shoot it.”

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  1. This is so great and funny. You see, when Obama ran, they were all high five-ing themselves because a black guy drew such big crowds. Must really tick them off that a white guy is drawing even bigger crowds.

    They made such an issue over it during the inauguration and now all you hear are crickets.

    Team Trump!



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