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Friday, November 23, 2018


While Shoppers Rage In Malls, Drivers Rage On Roads; Child Killed As His DWI Drug Dealer Dad Kenneth Chatmon Was In A Speed Contest And Crashed

Shoppers were going nuts for bargains as Thanksgiving revved up to warp speed and a Salisbury child was killed after his boozing father lost control of his pickup and slammed into a tree at a high rate of speed, according to Maryland State Police.

Police report that Kenneth Chatmon, 55, of 212 Morris Drive in Salisbury was operating a 2007 Toyota pickup southbound on the Rt. 213 Bypass north of Snow Hill Road.

Kenneth Chatmon was taken by ambulance to a hospital for treatment and faces charges in connection with the death of the child, as police say speed, alcohol and drug use are all factors in the crash. Possible charges include felony manslaughter which could net Chatmon if convicted up to ten years in prison.



  1. So why was road rage initially brought up as a contributing factor?

  2. Racing to the rt 12 exit. I see the a-holes doing it every day! Yep, every day. They know who they are. And now, everyone knows who that one was.

  3. Dude get a life if charged it'll been recorded stop framing a person if you don't have facts

  4. Did you click "more" and read the whole article? It still says road rage was a factor.

  5. May get up to ten years. What a sad joke that is. Dude will be out in record time to do something else. Send his nasty self out of our country.

  6. Let him rot in prison where he belongs

  7. What goes thru my mind is, just how much wrong did that little boy see in his short 6 years of life - alot I bet. What a shame. RIP Kaleb.

  8. The father has nearly a full page to himself in the criminal/civil court system. It was just a matter of time until he went full bore stupid.


  9. 10 years is not nearly enough time for this animal. Life would be more appropriate.

  10. It's said that people think like this.. Kaleb was loved by his mother and Father. He didn't see a lot of bad. This was a misfortune and a young child lost his life and all yall can do is speak negative. At the end all you are suppose to do is pray. You are not his judge... Lil man RIP and until we meet again.

  11. He was Raised in a very loving caring family.. They are a big family and they love very hard!!!!! Kaleb seen nothing but love from his family. I wish that yall would just be quiet!!!

  12. November 24, 2018 at 6:45 PM
    November 24, 2018 at 6:49 PM

    His parent are divorced and his father is selfish, I am sure it was not as you describe.
    Your community needs to stop making excuses


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