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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Maryland Attorney General News Release

Coalition of Attorneys General Urge HHS, Department of Education to Abandon Efforts to Adopt Restrictive and Discriminatory Federal Definition of “Sex”

BALTIMORE, MD – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today joined a coalition of 20 state attorneys general urging the Trump administration to abandon efforts to adopt a definition of “sex” that would exclude transgender and gender nonconforming individuals from the protections of federal civil rights laws.

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/111918.pdf


  1. Dave T: Wouldn't it be amazing if politicians were this enthusiastic about creating meaningful legislation that actually helped people and actually solved problems we face daily in our society? I won't hold my breath.

  2. Nobody including Trump is proposing that anyone be excluded from having their civil rights.

    He's simply stating a hard scientific fact that there are two sexes, male and female.

    Hermaphrodites also exist, but they too still have civil rights.

    Brian has never met anyone he didn't want to sue.

  3. Everybody has the protections of federal civil rights laws on a level playing field, with no group being more protected than another, or so it's supposed to work.

  4. I am totally not surprised that Brian Frosh has no idea what sex is. He is the most clueless man in Maryland.

  5. Man stands to pee;
    WoMan sits to pee.

    Is it that hard to differentiate?

    3 days until TGIF (BLACK FRIDAY)!

  6. All he does is for his own personal agenda. What a waste of tax payers money.

    1. One would think he was running MD instead of Hogan. Oh he is !!!

  7. What those unusual people want are special rights.

  8. This is insanity. It gets worse every month from this idiot Frosh! These people are living in a different world than the rest of us

  9. Frosh is the worst AG MD has had. He spends MD tax dollars for non-Maryland issues instead of spending this money and his time working on MD issues. He is a fraud.

  10. Still liking Hogan folks? His base is democrats. Left wing democrats. He is one of them. And according to election results, most of the eastern shore voters were hornswaggled by the RINO a second time. No wonder politicians all think voters are stupid.

  11. Frosh is allowed to continue destroying md and the Country because of voter fraud, millions of non-citizens flocked to the sanctuary counties in md and many voted.

  12. How about you clowns who keep complaining, actually do something about it???? Here is another thought, since you people can't seem to think on your own, try getting him recalled, you can do it you know... Nah you rather just cause the problem and then complain about how someone else isn't fixing it for you, don't I have that right?

  13. 2:05 Most Americans, specially here in SBY are stupid!!!! What more proof do you need??? They get on a blog and run their mouth complaining about the shit they help create, and demonize people who only want to help educate them, or help them fix the problem... Yeah I call that stupid, pretty stupid...

  14. 2:05--
    Lesser of 2 evils. We aren't stupid, but you sure sound like you are.

  15. What choice did Maryland have. Half Dem/Rep we can live with. Not a full time Dem.

  16. November 20, 2018 at 4:14 PM:

    LOL, is that the best you have? There WAS more than 2 choices. If you couldn't figure that out, then I rest my case. And no, I'm not going to explain it to you.

  17. Doesn't the AG work for the Governor. Why can't he be replaced by a Republican Governor?

  18. November 26, 2018 at 8:31 AM:

    The current Governor is Anti-Trump. Frosh is carrying out the Governor's wishes. If Hogan wasn't supportive of the suit, it wouldn't be filed. Frosh would be fired. He is not an elected official.


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