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Friday, November 02, 2018

Lindsey Graham To Introduce Bill Ending Birthright Citizenship

With one week left before the Nov. 6 midterm vote, President Trump and his allies in Congress have managed to establish immigration policy as the de facto dominant issue with the revelation that Trump is planning an executive order to eliminate birthright citizenship in the US. But in the event that Trump's order is challenged and overturned by the federal courts (which is extremely possible despite the confirmations of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh), South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a former adversary turned staunch Congressional ally, said Tuesday that he would introduce legislation to eliminate what he described as an "absurd" policy.

First, Graham - who is rumored to be on Trump's shortlist of candidates for a cabinet role after a post-election cleanout - applauded Trump for his decision (which he made public in an Axios interview published Tuesday morning)...

...then followed this up by declaring that he has always supported eliminating birthright citizenship, noting that the US is "one of only two countries in the world" that establishes citizenship by birth (though the accurate number is closer to 30). He argued that the policy is a magnet for illegal immigration and is "out of the mainstream" for the developed world and "needs to come to an end."



  1. Hooray, hooray, hooray. Hurry up and do this already

  2. I wonder how many other countries did this?

  3. Should have been done years ago.

  4. As much as I support this, it won't fly. Only a Constitutional Amendment can stop this and most of Congress and the States will not support such an Amendment.
    Americans wanted the cheap two dollar a day cooks, house cleaners, yard workers over the past century. Now it is payback time. America of the 30's,40's and 50's are over.

  5. 3:57

    The original intent of the 14th amendment was not to give anchor babies citizenship.

    Trump just want to go back to the original intent of the constitution.

  6. @ November 2, 2018 at 8:22 AM. None. No other country has birthright citizenship. THEY protect their country and people. Like Trump is doing. This needs to pass because the people want it. We could give a damn what the Congress or Senate thinks.


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