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Friday, November 09, 2018

Lindsey Graham Rips WH Press Corps After Tense Press Conference With Trump

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham accused the media of being allied with the Democratic Party after a tense press conference with President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

Trump got into spats with several reporters during the post-midterm presser — most notably CNN’s Jim Acosta — and ignited a debate about whether or not the press corps is acting appropriately at White House events. Several reporters interrupted the presidentand their fellow reporters, becoming especially combative in exchanges with the president.

Graham fired off a series of tweets arguing that the behavior of the press diminishes their trust in the eyes of the American people.



  1. President Trump has given more press conference ? question sessions than Obama ever done. The Press don't like the way they are conducted so Trump and the WH should cancel all of them and give maximum one 20 minute briefing a week and that is all. Then maybe they will act more professional. If the press does not comply then put out a written press release once a week I have read or seen any where that these press are mandatory. The media never forced or complained about Obama's no show press conferences.


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