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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

L. Brent Bozell & Tim Graham: 6 Reasons the CNN-Acosta Lawsuit Is Lame

CNN’s war on the Trump White House is now entering the legal system. CNN filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia insisting that denying its chief White House shouter Jim Acosta a permanent press pass has caused “irreparable harm,” and that Acosta has a constitutional right to shout at the president under the First and Fifth Amendment rights. How lame is this? Let us count the ways:

1.) CNN claims its network is “significantly hampered,” causing harm to Americans who “rely on CNN as an essential news source.” As a network, CNN is not impaired. It still has more than 10 credentialed White House reporters and producers. The only “harm” might be that Acosta yelling at (and repeatedly interrupting) the president excites CNN’s liberal base.

2.) CNN claims in court that Acosta is “widely reputed as a diligent and thorough reporter for one of the nation’s most respected and widely watched networks.” CNN isn’t close to the most “widely watched,” and it viciously attacks the most “widely watched” network as a pathetic “state-run” channel.


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