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Friday, November 30, 2018

Kavanaugh 2.0: Smears Against Court Nominee Tom Farr

We learned during the fight over Justice Brett Kavanaugh that Democrats will stop at nothing to block nominees who defend the Constitution’s limits on government. Lies, smears, screams, and even crimes are the tools of their trade.

Now, the same tactics are being used to smear another nominee to the federal bench – Tom Farr from North Carolina.

Farr was appointed by President Trump for a vacancy on the United States District Court that sits in Raleigh – the site of multiple fights over election process laws and Congressional redistricting. The seat has been vacant since 2006, the longest vacancy on the federal bench nationwide.

Farr, like Kavanaugh before him, is experiencing ritual defamation by his opponents.

Farr committed the unpardonable sin to the left: He represented the state of North Carolina in defending North Carolina's voter ID and election integrity laws. Power is too important for Farr’s foes to allow a nominee with mainstream views to be confirmed to a court so central to their litigation agenda in that swing state.


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