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Monday, November 19, 2018



  1. Not to mention there is NO law that says there has to be Press Conferences....screw that Liberal Judge that said they have to let him back in-just don't have any press conferences-just release statements!

  2. But the others who ARE called on will then cede their time to Acosta.

  3. I feel it is time. The press conference is a waste of the President's time. The Press asks stupid questions over and over again doing the President will say something that they can use against the President and make them look good. They are disrespectful. Turn President's words to make him and his Admistration look bad and suit their agenda. This is not something you don't already know. Nice to see how others feel.

  4. Exactly 5:21 am, I have been saying same thing forever

  5. Ditto 5:21...let the punk pay for his own publicity. But hold one more to place him in the back row using the child seat.

  6. Obama judges strike again.


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