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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Jim Kunstler Warns "We've Not Yet Seen How Insane A Society Can Become Under Duress"

It may be as simple as this: voters look at the two parties and decide that they don’t want the nation to turn into a gigantic seminar on race and gender studies.

The Democratic Party doesn’t have a platform, it has a curriculum. The party wants to instruct everybody how to think and act. You will be tested regularly on the correctness of your thought.And if you fail or object, say goodbye to your livelihood.

That’s the main reason that the Golden Golem of Greatness plays so well in the forsaken flyover precincts of this troubled land. They are weary of being scolded for their “privilege” by the privileged undergraduates of the most elite campuses. And from there, of course, the astounding hypocrisy informs and infects Democratic politics up to the highest level — e.g. the mendacious sex hysteria engineered by Diane Feinstein and a corps of DC swamp lawyers in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.



  1. I totally agree! I was astounded that I actually received a call and a voicemail message from "President Obama", who called himself Presidents' Day off, stating that I had to get out and vote and vote a full Democrat ticket! I don't think so! Especially given what's happening in the state of Georgia with the black panthers holding machine guns on Election Dau!

  2. I have never in all my life… a politician, running for public office, such as we have in Pokomoke city for the Worcester County commissioners position… We actually have someone running to says there are numerous committees, but he never shows up to me thanks! Guess what he may not show up for this either and he has made numerous promises, that he alone, it's not going to be able to fix it up! True politician is trying to promise everybody the moon!


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