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Monday, November 19, 2018

‘It’s Your Right to Go to the US’

The migrant caravan has its own de facto government, and on this night the travelers from Central America gathered at the behest of a few leaders to discuss issues of the day as well as the big picture—such as what route to take to the U.S. border.

“It’s your right to go to the U.S.,” Milton Benitez, a political analyst and sociologist who hosts the Honduran TV show “El Perro Amarillo,” implored the impassioned crowd.

In a scene not unlike when a coach rallies his players before a big game, the Honduran media figure pressed the encircling migrants on the night of Nov. 7 not to give up on their “mission” to achieve the U.S. border.

“We’re here for lack of work,” said Gabriella, who asked that her last name not be published.

Like many others, she hasn’t taken up Mexico on its offer of asylum, choosing instead to keep heading northward to the U.S. border.

The five caravans highlight an unprecedented uptick in frequency and size from the normal flow of Central American migrants, experts say, potentially heralding a new era of larger, more frequent, and better organized caravans that could test U.S. immigration laws and strain the U.S.-Mexico relationship.

“These caravans are very well orchestrated,” said one Mexican official, who asked not to be named. “We’ve seen signals that there is money. The signals are different from the typical flow of migrants.”

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  1. It may be a right to go to the U.S., but it's not a right to go into the U.S. The U.S. reserves that right on a case by case basis via immigration laws, just as does virtually every other country in the world.

  2. It is not their right to make the US tax payers to support them

  3. Dave T: It's also our right to ship them back. This is not the attitude of decent, hard working immigrants who come here for a better life. These are thugs, activists and misfits. No room here for more of that. We've got plenty already.

  4. soros needs to be swinging from a tree

  5. 6:59 Yes he is a Nazi, for real. he enjoyed working for them, and bragged about it. He gets a pass cuz he bought his way out of it.


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