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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

"I'm Not Going To Agree That I Lied": Corsi Rejects Mueller's Plea Deal, Plans To Sue

Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi said on Monday that he is refusing to sign a plea deal offered by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Corsi, who fell under suspicion as an intermediary between Stone and WikiLeaks during the 2016 US election, said he was offered a deal to plea on one count of perjury. According to the New York Times, Mueller presented Corsi with evidence that he had lied when investigators asked him beforehand if WikiLeaks was going to publish stolen DNC emails during the campaign, while Corsi ostensibly served as the conduit.

Among other issues, investigators have been asking about an Aug. 21, 2016, Twitter message in which Mr. Stone predicted that John D. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, would soon face his “time in the barrel.” Mr. Stone posted his message six weeks before WikiLeaks began releasing tens of thousands of Mr. Podesta’s emails, throwing the Clinton campaign on the defensive a month before the November election. -NYT

"Having reviewed my records, I am now confident that I am the source behind Stone’s tweet," Corsi wrote in an early 2017 article on Infowars.

While Corsi told the Times two weeks ago that he had told investigators the truth, the special counsel's office "has decided that his text messages and emails contradict some of his statements" concerning the WikiLeaks release, according to people familiar with those discussions.

The 72-year-old Corsi says it's BS;

"They want me to say I willfully lied. I’m not going to agree that I lied. I did not. I will not lie to save my life. I’d rather sit in prison and rot for as long as these thugs want me to," Corsi said.

Corsi tells me he’s been offered plea deal on one count of perjury. “They want me to say I willfully lied. I’m not going to agree that I lied. I did not. I will not lie to save my life. I’d rather sit in prison and rot for as long as these thugs want me to.”— Anna Schecter (@annaschecter) November 26, 2018


1 comment:

  1. Everyone should take this poor guys example and Never, ever talk to any law enforcement ever without a lawyer.

    Shut up, and Lawyer up!


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