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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Hogan Blames Trump For Republican Loses In Maryland

Gov. Larry Hogan relished in his victory a day after winning re-election, but blamed President Donald Trump for the losses of some of his fellow Republicans in other Maryland races.

Hogan became the second Republican governor to win re-election in Maryland history on Tuesday. But Democrats had a big night otherwise byunseating a couple of Republican county executives. Steuart Pittman beat Steve Schuh in Anne Arundel County while Calvin Ball defeated Allan Kittleman. Former state Del. John "Johnny O" Olszewski Jr. prevailed over Republican Al Redmer, Maryland's insurance commissioner and Hogan ally.

"It was a tough night," Hogan told reporters at a press conference at the State House in Annapolis on Wednesday.

"We had President Trump say the election should be about him even though he is not on the ballot and in Maryland that is exactly what happened," said Hogan, who won his race against Ben Jealous with 56 percent of the vote. "It was a repudiation of the president who lost this state by 30 points. People came out and expressed their frustration."



  1. Hogan just shut up you RINO and do your job you got reelected be happy and move on. Leave our President Trump alone.

  2. Look dude, I voted for you the first go and had no other choice but do it again Tuesday. We certainly are not thrilled with you as it is, so don't get so damn cocky. You carry some fault too by not supporting your president.

    Prayers continue for Hogan Strong!

  3. I'll have to disagree with you on this one, Governor. The blue streak that goes down the I95 corridor did it.

  4. I would rather Hogan kept silent on Trump.

  5. Dave T: I'm a staunch conservative, and let me be the first one to tell you, you Mr. Hogan, have no room to criticize others with a record as failed as yours! Before you start telling others how to govern, take a good look in the mirror Mr. Hogan. You are nothing to write home about. This state is a mess and that mess starts with you.

  6. no no no...most everyone I know still voted R acrost the board...with the acception of carl anderton and YOU Lawn Chair Larry! Your willingness to violate the Constitution...the Due Prosess specifically, your willingness to throw citizens under the bus is why...you forced our hand! God Bless America and Mr Trump!

  7. Paul Ryan and the retiring never Trumpers lost it for the house.They did absolutely nothing to help struggling candidates.

  8. Hogan you will be half the man Trump is.

  9. Hogan, you don't know when to keep your mouth shut. I voted for you because there really was no choice. President Trump is far and away above you in so many ways. I'm sure you understand the ONLY reason you get elected and re-elected is because you're 'middle of the road'; road kill, RINO and the people that elect you are in the middle of Maryland. You have to keep the clueless and dumb in your camp and you've done so...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Hogan if you held true to the Republican agenda and stood your ground against Democrat policies, then they would have probably won. They would have had someone with a backbone to support them. You did nothing with your veto pen. You submitted no laws that were pro-conservative. You are as I always have stated a "ROGUE" Republican serving your own interest. Nothing in the interest of conservative Marylanders. Nothing in the interest of Marylanders Health Insurance. Just ask your Maryland Retirees. Nothing to repay State Retire Fund. You are still not vetoing Budgets that are continuing to steal from the State Retirement Fund.

  12. You see, the way America is supposed to work:

    You have your political views, I have my political views. We all express those views freely and fairly with the understanding that we are all American. Not "traitors". Get a grip on yourselves. Is your loyalty to the country or some political party?

  13. LOL, 12:30. Remember, it was YOUR Governor that said Mathias voted "with the bad guys." Get off your high horse. Hogan is as guilty as anyone of politicizing things for his own personal gain.

  14. No Mr. Hogan, it was my fault. Financially I poured it all into you(because Ben Jealous scares me). Sounds as if you may be considering national politics, perhaps you should consider the 2 reasons you were elected- Anthony Brown and Ben Jealous. Our President Donald Trump will receive my support now and in the future!

  15. Incredible irony to blame Trump when Hogan was the culprit.

  16. I hope Hogan doesn't become a John McCain

  17. That’s just a stupid thing to say, Larry Hogan! If we had some good candidates I’d vote for them...just like I did. I would rather elect a D than Julie Brewington, for instance.

    1. Did old booze hound Julie get her a$$ up from the bar long enough to campaign in Wicomico long enough to get votes? I may detest John Cannon, I detest her even more. I didn’t vote for a County Council person at large because they all sucked.

  18. Gosh, I like Governor Hogan. I think he's done good things for Maryland and I was told that he fought hard to keep the prescription drug coverage for MD retired employees. I DON'T like his speaking against President Trump. AND I agree with the person who pointed to the I 95 corridor. It's always been that way.

  19. Gosh, I like Governor Hogan. I think he's done good things for Maryland and I was told that he fought hard to keep the prescription drug coverage for MD retired employees. I DON'T like his speaking against President Trump. AND I agree with the person who pointed to the I 95 corridor. It's always been that way.

  20. If I were trump I would cut the federal work force by 5% and see how hogan likes that. Remember who the largest employer is in md larry. That’s right the federal governmanet. My grandmother always told me it is not in your best interest to bite the hand that feeds you. If Montgomery county would get humbled a little I think it would be better for the entire state.

  21. Hogan keeps shaking his own stink in Trumps face. Trump is the only one that could release the communist socialist grip strangling MD. This IS Our only chance to right this sinking ship and Hogan spits in its face. Does Hogan do this to benefit his buddies the corrupt democrats or to insult the conservatives that voted for him....
    I dint vote for Jealous for the same reason I couldnt vote for Hogan.

  22. Concerned Retiree said...
    Hogan if you held true to the Republican agenda and stood your ground against Democrat policies, then they would have probably won. They would have had someone with a backbone to support them. You did nothing with your veto pen. You submitted no laws that were pro-conservative. You are as I always have stated a "ROGUE" Republican serving your own interest. Nothing in the interest of conservative Marylanders. Nothing in the interest of Marylanders Health Insurance. Just ask your Maryland Retirees. Nothing to repay State Retire Fund. You are still not vetoing Budgets that are continuing to steal from the State Retirement Fund.

    November 8, 2018 at 10:26 AM

    Just ask Bunky Luffman and Carl Anderton, they claim that it isn't Hogan that is stealing Retiree's healthcare benefits, they blame it on the O'Malley Administration from 2011. Ok, let's say it started under O'Malley, then WTH has Hogan done to correct the thievery? Not a damn thing!

  23. I can't stand Hogan, but I had to vote for him because anything was better than Ben Jealous.

    Anything was better than Ben Jealous, Dan O'Hare, Jack Heath, Bill McCain, Jamaad Gould, Michele Gregory, Josh Hastings and the Socialists.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Incredible irony to blame Trump when Hogan was the culprit.

    November 8, 2018 at 4:32 PM


  25. RINO HOGAN oce again opens his fat mouth on Trump.

  26. Sorry Governor but it was the never Trump Republicans in the house that lost it because they did nothing to help the candidates.

  27. Hogan is a Rhino l did not vote for he or Jealous it was that bad for the first time in my life l could not Vote Republican. Sorry Larry screw me once shame on you screw twice shame on me. The Republicans on the shore minus Mary Beth sadly suck. I am sick of the good ole boys. Time to drain the marsh.

  28. Hogan really needs to stop bashing Trump. Especially if he’s vying for the new FBI HQ (still). He’s not doing MD any favors by bashing POTUS. If anything he’s going to run his fat mouth right out of benefits from the Trump admin which is unwise considering Trump’s stance with helping farmers. Hogan’s RINO-ity is getting old and with the Administration turning away from MD for the FBI, that costs MD jobs. Jobs to build. Jobs to maintain. If Hogan were a smart man, he’d stand down very quickly before Trump starts ignoring his requests. He’s not a man to forget an indiscretion. Trust me. His role call after the election is an atestament to this reality.

  29. Julie Brewingtom is the best you can do? Please. That woman is a self proclaimed drunkard. Not in any condition to be of use to anyone but the local bartenders who serve her her drinks. Carl Anderton? Another, please. That guy is dumber than a paint can but you all let him run unopposed? Why? The guy has nothing going for him but the ability to show up at all the Hogan events or where he can score free food. He’s a loser. A big loser.

    You had a chance to have a solid AG and you voted to re-elect a moron who wouldn’t even debate Wolfe. You voted and elected for a man who said he couldn’t afford to fight states and companies trashing the Bay but had plenty of cash to file 20 nuisance suits against the Trump Admin for sanctuary stupidity?

    Face it, kids, Trump can’t help it if MDers vote for nonsense and against their own best interests because their ill informed or chose to be ignorant. If this economy doesn’t wise you up, nothing will. As for Hogan, maybe he should check out what happened to some of the other Republicans who didn’t get the Trump gold. They lost their elections. Hogan lucked out and should be thanking his lucky stars instead of bitching about Trump!

  30. Hogans wife wears the pants


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