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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Hogan becomes first GOP governor to win second term in Maryland since 1954

BALTIMORE — Gov. Larry Hogan has become the first Republican governor to win a second term in Maryland since 1954, NBC News projects.

Hogan has enjoyed high approval ratings in polls conducted throughout the campaign. He also maintained a sizable lead over Democratic opponent Ben Jealous in fundraising.



  1. Well, when you tell voters what they want to hear, and suck up to the dumbocraps during your term, you can get re-elected. Still a RINO

  2. Thank God. Finally some good news for us conservatives.

  3. Not my favorite, but given the alternative...the best choice.

  4. What is he going to do about Right to carry restrictions now? Will he Lower the high cost and restrictions for applying and renewing? I doubt it. He promised it in his first term and give in to the Socialist Democrats in Annapolis. He never introduced any legislation on this subject.

  5. He's still a 'shackled'Governor. He's openly admitted that his vetos can be overridden on a democratic whim! He's prostate.

  6. @8:44 I'll take Hogan over Ben Jealous anyday

  7. And for us moderates!

  8. It was and is a lose lose ticket. It's bad news either way. I look forward to the same do nothing Rino governor.

  9. I cannot believe that many voted for Ben..unreal..Out State is in big trouble in the future

  10. Only problem he's not a Republican rather a rhino. Good thing is I moved over the boarder to Delaware and it's great.

  11. 454 a great state aint it! Highly underappreciated and I for one would like to keep it that way. Many of the perks of being on the Shore, with the amenities of being closer to the cities, without as much of the Eastern Shore trash.

  12. Good! Stay there! You can have the likes of Carper.


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