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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hilton: Trump is fighting the elitist enemy within his own White House

Over the Thanksgiving break, I read Bob Woodward’s “Fear: Trump in the White House.”

When it came out in September the snooty elitists on the East Coast salivated over its juicy gossip: “Trump watches TV a lot!" and the story it told of a president they see as an ignorant, dangerous barbarian.

Here are a few of the condescending highlights…

From Judy Woodruff, PBS: “It is a stunning look inside the Trump presidency, exposing a chaotic White House led by a man who has said he believes the key to power is fear.”

From Jamie Gangel, CNN: “I think what Woodward has presented here is a devastating portrait, Brooke. We’ve heard about chaos, we've heard about dysfunction, but the details of this book are like nothing we've heard before...’

From Mika Brzezinski, co-host, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,”: “All the anecdotes certainly ring true to the man we know and the man who never evolved or stepped up when he won the presidency”…

The East Coast elite held up this book as evidence of why Donald Trump is not fit to be president. Well, either they haven't read the book, or they're deliberately distorting what's in it....

What Bob Woodward has actually done is write a book in praise of President Trump.

More here



  1. He has been there for two years. he needs to do something about it.

  2. There's a lot liberal swamp chit in the white house. Trump's doing a great job.

  3. The deep state is fighting hard! Pray for our President and his family, may God help him serve his purpose!

  4. Thanks to Trump winning the White House we now know how badly the Government was operating and how the media actually ran our lives. We didn't know any better. Thank you Mr Trump.


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