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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Hillary Clinton remains inauthentic, unlikable and out of touch – she will never be president

An op-ed published this week in the Wall Street Journal has ignited rumors of a potential 2020 presidential run for Hillary Clinton.

The piece discusses the different iterations of Hillary Clinton the public has seen over the past 30-plus years. But none of those versions became president and no matter how many times Clinton tries to reinvent herself she cannot change who she is at the core: inauthentic, unlikable and out of touch.

According to the op-ed by Mark Penn and Andrew Stein – headlined “Hillary Will Run Again” – Hillary Clinton 1.0 was a “universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand” in 1994 when she was first lady.

Hillary Clinton version 2.0 was a moderate when she successfully ran for the Senate and again when she lost in the Democratic presidential primaries to then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008.

In 2016, Clinton 3.0 was a progressive who moved further to the left because of her challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. And Hillary Clinton version 4.0 will run for president in 2020 by returning to her roots as a progressive, Penn and Stein predict.

But the fact there have been so many different versions of Clinton is precisely the problem.



  1. The title is for all DEMOCRATS.

  2. We don't like her any more now than we did 30 years ago. Everything she touches turns to crap, she lies, she steals, she says anything to get her way but won't back it up once she gets it. She was the worst of all candidates.

    1. Snowflakes and Socialists love her

  3. Inauthentic? No, she's an authentic crook.

  4. The worst female human being in this nation. She is a disgrace to humankind and she is a real danger to our country.

  5. She is an elite who got her money from "donors" to her foundation during Government time. Her ego has blinded her as to how she appears to people. She thinks that she is well loved but the truth be known that they love her money. If she won the popular vote it had to be rigged.

  6. Everyone I know hates her F-ing guts and wouldn't even piss on her if she was on fire!
    She is a rotten bitch that deserves to be in Prison!

  7. Did they mention fat failure. Failed at everything in sight and how many times was it running for president?

  8. I hope she does not become the president. However, how many scoffed at the thought that Trump would become president? Beware! We are so devided now that it does not take much to tip the balance to one side or the other.

  9. Unlikable is an understatement. The most hated!!!


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