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Monday, November 26, 2018

Hillary Clinton Blasts Trump’s ‘Streak of Racism,’ ‘Whole Package of Bigotry’

Hillary Clinton accused President Donald Trump of having a long “streak of racism” and “the whole package of bigotry” in an interview with The Guardian.

“This is a person who believes in very little, but he does have visceral responses to what goes on in the world around him. He does have a strong streak of racism that goes back to his early years,” Clinton reportedly told the outlet in the interview published on Friday. “I include his anti-immigrant tirades because he characterizes immigrants in very racially derogatory ways, but he was Islamophobic, he was anti-women, he really had the whole package of bigotry that he was putting on offer to those who were intrigued and attracted to him.

Clinton, who infamously once accused black youth of being “super-predators,” also accused Trump of “raising the specter of criminal immigrants” for political gain.



  1. I am thankful each day, that our president kicked this old jealous hag off the stage from the very beginning. He made this thang look so bad, I could of felt sorry for it but I didn't.

  2. Yet, this same "woman" claimed a former KKK member was her mentor, and happened to attend the Donald's last wedding...

    The "lady" doth protest too much.

  3. She need to crawl back under her rock.

  4. She needs to get out of the news every day
    Please turn off the camera so we can end this disease

  5. Who is this woman to sit there and pontificate on morality to us?

    I think for myself, thank you.

  6. First I liked him but now I hate him said she.

  7. Hillary has run out of ideas to campaign. So now she sees how popular it is to criticize our President. Still a sore loser. Never to become President of the USA.

  8. She's like an itch in a moist place that just won't go away.

  9. The media coverage on her has got to stop, she won't shut up till she doesn't get a reaction. It's about being quoted and seen as much on TV as she can, she doesn't care if the coverage is good or bad it's just seeing her name in the headlines!

  10. Look out Hillary. The "bigot" is coming for you. We all love how your face goes pale when his rallies produce the chant "lock her up." Scares the crap out of her. She doesn't hate Trump. She is scared to death of him. And he is starting to turn the screws.....

    Trump learned something from the previous administration...how to weaponize the government against your enemies. Thanks Obama!

  11. Those who talk the most have everything to hide! We know Hillary, your day is coming and your “what difference does it make” statement wont save you from GITMO! Happy trails B!!ch!!

  12. Hope she enjoyed the A&EMonica Lewinsky tell all. I sure did.


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