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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Here's the truth about the California wildfires and climate change


  1. And let us not forget the wrath of God in the equation. Look at the behavior of the liberal politicians like Pelosi saying to California voters they don't need God because they have the Democrats. Clear evidence of her lack of spiritual judgment and wisdom. Throughout the ages God has used natural phenomena to gain the attention of His people. The California liberals still do not get it.

  2. You want the truth about global warming? Then search utube for Life, Liberty and Levin, the 11-10-18 show...its a must see! ...and share!!

  3. Brown sold his soul to the devil 40 years ago . Like liberal democrats Satan is his god so he likes to see fire

  4. They could have prevented it but they want to blame it on GLOBAL WARMING instead of miss management of SOCIAL DEMS.


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