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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Go Figure...


  1. Read today that the Pentagon has turned down Trump's request for Military support at the border. States that is not the Military's job. If our Military is not to be used to defend Americans then why do we fight in other countries civil wars. I say bring on our Military now. Defend our Country from evaders.

  2. They will not be arriving in time for election. They are still weeks away.

  3. Give us the names of the Pentagon Officials who turned down this request!
    President Trump and the American people want to know!

  4. Just let them all come in and hopefully all of those who want open borders will take them in. A crying shame how this country is going down hill by only allowing those who wish to come they must do it the correct way!

  5. That is the most contradictory bass ackwards thing I have ever heard!

  6. Agree 6:15, BUT IF our president is the Commander in Chief, why doesn't he have the Finale say regarding this issue?

  7. 'Military support' at the border was not turned down. 'Law enforcement' support apparently was.. but if a violent attempt to crash the border occurs, that could perhaps be considered an invasion. I don't think Mr. Trump is going to allow that.

    Of course, the lefties have already got this planned out-- they are using women and little children as human shields (just like Hamas in the Middle East). That is probably the only reason they were allowed to come along. They are pawns.. props.

    There is still a good bit of time before they arrive.. the outcome of the election will certainly have some impact on the response-- another very good reason to get out and vote.

  8. 10:10 you are right,it might p!ss off some pentagon generals but Trump is the Commander in Chief and it is his job to protect Americans.

  9. those who want them here should be made to sponsor them. And be prepared to accept responsibility for any support needed, ie financial, housing, food medical care etc. along with any crimes they commit while here!
    Easy solution!

  10. Bus them to San Fransico. Once they get a look at the dumbocrat utopia sanctuary city they will start marching back south.

  11. Exactly. What four star general who was probably promoted or appointed by Obama made that decision. Drain the swamp.

  12. Disobey an order from your Commander-in -Chief??

    Resign or be shot. YOU were not elected and YOU don't run the military.
    You take orders. More SERVANTS who have come to believe THEY are the rulers.
    The line for hanging is growing.
    I'm not even sure if rope should be used....maybe barbed wire would be more entertaining and more of an historical lesson. Lots of pictures and film for posterity.
    These people need a lesson on what they are supposed to be and who they are supposed to be SERVING. Protecting? They dropped that BS years ago.
    Keep cheering.


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