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Monday, November 19, 2018

Globalists’ Latest Push: Mass Deportation ‘Morally Unacceptable,’ Amnesty is Necessary

Monopolizing the U.S. legal immigration system

The latest push by the globalist apparatus includes amnesty for all 12 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the United States and allowing India and China to monopolize the U.S. legal immigration system.

The Brookings Institute’s William Galston — who has called populism the enemy of democracy — and neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol have released a joint policy brief for their The New Center think tank which advocates giving amnesty to illegal aliens and ending the country-caps in the U.S. legal immigration system. the policy brief states:

It is unacceptable to have over 11 million people living illegally in America. But mass deportation is unacceptable too — both morally and logistically. Unauthorized immigrants living the U.S. should be brought out of the shadows and offered a long and rigorous road toward citizenship that depends on maintaining clean criminal records, paying taxes, and meeting several other requirements.



  1. When it's named The Global States of America, go ahead and do whatever you want. Until then...

  2. Burn in Hell you Liberals!

  3. hang soros then work down to hillary and other commie scum


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